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#FLL build it up

One of our FLL teams, Legend's of Lego's (LOL) is currently doing a week-long social media campaign for their competition project. We decided to give them a platform to showcase their challenges and work. Below is the #FLLBuildItUp campaign, created, written, and lead by them!

Build It Up is a week-long build challenge hosted by FLL team Legend's of Lego's (LOL). Our team created Build It Up to inspire the next generation to get involved with engineering, STEM, and LEGOS. Build It Up was created by kids, for kids!


Every day for a week we will post a theme that you can respond to with a picture of something you build to represent the prompt. You can build it out of anything, such ass LEGOs, clay, pipe cleaners, straws, really anything you can find.


At the end of the week, we will choose our overall winner and feature them on our page!


Ready to build it up?

Day #1 - Sports

What's your favorite sport? 
Sports are exciting activities that get people active and doing what they love. There are so many sports to choose, like basketball, dance, football, and more! 
Sports are amazing for you, just like building. We want you to build something to represent your favorite sport. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLLBuildItUp.

Good luck! 


LEGO Soccer

Spike Prime

Day #2 - Music

LEGO Music Note

What's your favorite song/instrument?
Music can be expressed by playing it or simply just listening to it. There are so many instruments and songs to choose from! Listening to or playing music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and more!
Music is fun, just like building. We want you to build something to represent your favorite song/instrument. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLL

Good luck! 

Check out our soundtrack for this challenge, created by a member of our team!

LOL Intro

Day #3 - Robots

What's your favorite thing to build? 

Robots are a great way to solve everyday challenges. Robots are used in space exploration, car manufacturing, food production, and so much more! There are so many different things you can do with robots? We want you to build a robot that will solve a challenge for you. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLLBuildItUp.


Good luck! 


LEGO Robot

Spike Prime

LEGO Spike prime code

Day #4 - Video Games

LEGO  Minecraft

What's your favorite video game?
Video games are a fun way to bond with friends and family. Over five million different video games have been published since the 1970s.
 There are so many video games to choose from.
Video games get you creative, just like building. We want you to build something to represent your favorite video game. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLL

Good luck! 

Day #5 - Animal


What's your favorite animal?
We love animals because they are cute, funny, smart, and more. Dogs are the most loved animals in the world. There are so many animals to choose from. Animals are cool, just like building. We want you to build something to represent your favorite animal. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLL

Good luck! 

Day #6 - Wearables


What's your favorite wearable?
Wearables are anything you can wear. It can be clothes, bracelets, jewelry, etc. We wear wearables everyday! Wearables are nice, just like building. There are so many wearables to choose from. We want you to build something to represent your favorite wearable. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLL

Good luck! 

Day #7 - Free Build

LEGO bricks

Free Build!!!
Free build means you can build anything you want. If you have not got a chance to show what you wanted all week, this is your chance. Sadly, this is also our last day. I hope you had a fun time, and love building now. We want you to build something to represent anything for free build. Remember to post a picture of your creative creation, and to tag us at  #FLL

Good luck! 

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